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About You

Over the years,  new jousting  groups and realms emerge.  


Most maintain an honorable level of professional conduct.  

A few engage in personal bias, boycotts, character attacks, intentional schedule conflicts and copy of rival programs without consent.


The Jousting League encourages a set of principals to guide our conduct for creating a Sporting community we can be proud of and ask each Realm to endorse a Professional Code of Conduct to define SL sport, similar to RL sport.



Please read and endorse

Guidelines for groups and realms seeking public patronage for events open to all.  Not private events limited to a single Realm.


JOUSTING LEAGUE CHARTER (inspired by NFL charter 1921)

"Raise the standard of professional (sport) in every way possible, eliminate bidding (poaching) for players between rival clubs and to secure cooperation in the formation of schedules"


1) Raise Professional Standards

Groups or realms seeking public patronage at their events, are expected to observe the highest professional standards rather then pursue policies of personal bias or exclusion which violate rules of fair play and engagement.



- All Group or Realm events which promote a policy of equitable inclusion regardless of race, gender or group affiliation.

- Group chat confined to civil debate and discussion on issues related to professional aspects of sport.

- Group messages confined to event notification and with rights for all group members who host regularly scheduled events.

- Code of Honor to guide interpersonal relationships at events for mutual respect of all participants, host, officials and guests.

- Host representation in group councils regardless of affiliation for governing event coordination and promotion.

- Respect for individual rules governing each event.

- A democratic process for governing decision making that is faitful to tennants of the organization.



- Group or Realm policies of boycott or exclusionary practices of any kind motivated by personal bias or special interest.

- Groups or Realms engaged in prejudicial practices based on race, gender, group affiliation.

- Group chat or messages utilized for character attacks against other groups, programs or individuals.


2) Eliminate Player Bidding

Unique events such as InterRealm competitions should be used to unite Realms not divide them.  Intentional duplication of the  program format of another group to compete for the same players, is considered a predatory practice (poaching).


Groups or realms seeking public patronage should first strive to create an authentic and original player experience of their own or seek consolidation and collaboration with groups whose format they wish to copy.



- Respect for programs of others.

- Consolidation or collaboration between groups to prevent duplication and proliferation of the same event format.

- Coordinating events and schedules to provide players convenience and enhanced competition opportunities.



- Copy of another Realms or Groups program format, or materials without consultation with the originators.

- Group or Realm actions to exclude rival groups or realms from fair competition.


3) Cooperative Scheduling

Groups or Realms seeking public patronage should coordinate schedules to avoid conflicts so all players are given the opportunity to attend each event. â€‹Intentionally creating conflicting schedules for similar events at the same date & time is considered a predatory practice (poaching).  



- Coordination of event schedules to avoid conflicts.

- Giving preference to existing, long established events.

- Inclusion for all events requesting listing in group calendars designed to serve the community.



- Scheduling over existing events with the same type of event.

- Selective listings in group calendars based on personal preference.


4) Player Reforms Requested

Groups/Realms seeking public patronage should make it easy for players to go from one event to the other without navigating disparate systems.



- Adopting one point system that is easy to track and calculate.

- Posting of point standings for any player or host which requests it.

- Standard set of rules/best practices for all InterRealm events.  Recommended for adoption but no enforced compliance.


4) Trusted Groups & Realms

The community should be made aware of Realms and Groups who adopt the highest professional standards and those who don't.



- Seeking endorsement of all realms and groups.

- Individual conscience to decide which Realms or Group events to give their patronage to.

- Use the Jousting League as an independent forum for debate and public awareness, open to all points of view.

- Seeking consultation and mediation to resolve issues between Groups or Realms.  If all reasonable overtures for a suggested resolution

  are rejected, then identify harmful practices and encourage positive change.

- Sanctions in the form of public awareness for Groups or Realms who chronically violate Professional Standards of Conduct.

Copyright © 2014, 2015 SL Jousting League.  All rights reserved.  No part of this website may be reproduced in anyway without written permission.

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