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Forester Lowenhart



"I bae Sir Forester Lowenhart, Headmaster of the Double Dragon Academy.  I have been teach'n the joust for many a year, and been asked to tell ya what ye bae needing to face another lancer down the list.  I dinnae need ta tell ye, if ye get knocked off your horse, just dust yourself off and climb back on.  That's the way me da did it, and that's the way ye be doin it in no time. On the following parchments ye will be learn'n about the history, equipment, techniques and resources needed to be spit'n splinters and breaking lances!"


"First ye need to get some school'n.  Read a brief history of joust with parchments gving ye  more information.  A brief timeline of jousting in these SL lands bae there too." 



"Now we bae talking!  Time to get yer horse, lance and armor.  I bae show'n ye a few places to shop at some of the finest equestrian yards,  smythies and tiltfarms."


Double Dragon Academy

"Once ye have yer equipment, ye can try some advanced techniques to control your lance and horse, get the lay of the list and learn just how things work in SL lands. But ya can't learn by looking at pictures, so I bae also suggest'n ye take a class with others as the fastest way to learn."

"Now ye bae ready to start joust'n with the laddies and lassies.  These parchments will aquaint ye with some of the laws of the land, and the tilt yards and how to find groups of other jousters to join in the fun!" 



"Now get ye to the tilt-yard for a tournament.  Look at the schedule to find events where you can perfect your skills." 


"Just staying on ye horse will be its own reward, but should ye get good enough to be taking the day, here be some of the honors and recognition due ye!  Good luck, and... 


"May the high road bae ever before ye!"


Double Dragon Academy

& School of Joust,

Jousting League, and 

Chief steward of SLTA (SL Tournament Association)


Team Champions 2013 (SLTA)

Intersim Joust Champion 2012 (SLTA)

Monthly Joust Champion 2012 (SLTA)

Steel Lance Certification (DDA)

Master Of Lance (DDA)

Knighted 2009 (Eternity)

Queens Champion 2009 (Eternity)

Knights Commander (Eternity)

Joust Class Instructor (Eternity)

Copyright © 2014, 2015 SL Jousting League.  All rights reserved.  No part of this website may be reproduced in anyway without written permission.

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